Saturday 13 June 2015

Garlicy Alu dum

Potatoes at its best

A great companion to Luchi this recipe gives a twist to the traditional Alu dum.

Server 4
Potato 8 small
Green Chillies 4
Garlic 10 pods
Sugar 1/2 tsp
Water 1/2 cup
Ghee (clarified butter) 2 tbsp
Salt to taste

Halve the potatoes and boil with a pinch of salt till cooked. Cool and peel the skin.
Chop the green chillies and garlic finely. Do not mash them. Each piece should stand out.
Heat the ghee in a wok. When hot add the garlic and the chillies. Saute till the garlic turns brown.
Add the potatoes, sugar and salt. Saute for two minutes.
Pour half a cup of water and simmer covered till cooked through.
Serve hot with Luchi.


  1. Luchi and Alum dum look yum! Will try soon. Great blog!

  2. cool. this is awesome blog, though me not a foodie. keep it up, dada
